Iconics Suite - question mark tags

Iconics Suite - Question mark tags (Current etc.)

This article show the list and usage of ?Current tags and rest of special syntax tags with question mark on beginning of the tag

?Current tags

The Security Server exposes several points that expose information about the user, who is currently logged in. These cannot be currently browsed and must be typed in manually.

  • ?Current:UserName – the current logged in user name. This is equivalent to “localsim::currentUser”, which is accessible through the “Local Simulation/Variables” tab of the data browser that is available from GraphWorX.
  • ?Current:Groups - contains groups the currently logged in user belongs to. If the user belongs to multiple groups, then their names are separated with commas.
  • ?Current:CustomID – the “Custom Identifier” of the current user
  • ?Current:LanguageCultureName – the “Default Language” of the current user. It is not necessary to use this value anyhow, Language Aliasing automatically sets to the language defined in Security.


Some of these points are also directly accessible through a pre-defined Global Alias:

  • <#SecUserName#> - the current logged in username
  • <#SecCustomID#> - the “Custom Identifier” of the current user


CustomID a LanguageCultureName are defined here:


If the user is a member of multiple groups which have the “Custom Identifier” or “Default Language” specified, the resulting value is randomly one of them.

?Category:comparision string - other quesion mark tags

The general usage of question mark tags is well described in Application Note - GENESIS64 Security - Retrieving Advanced Security Information also available in attached file.