Connect MX OPC Server UA to the Iconics Suite / Genesis64

Iconics Suite - Connecting MX OPC Server UA to the Iconics Suite [Iconics Suite connection]

This article show how to connect the MX OPC Server UA to the Iconics Suite/ Genesis64 application.

Confirm that Your MX OPC Server UA i running. If You can see the MX OPC icon in the tray that mean the server is running.

Run Workbench and go to the OPC UA Network in Project Explorer. 
Then click on "+ Click here to and new item". Then fill in the name (this name You will use for this server in Data Browser) and the Primary Endpoint URI - in case or MX OPC Server UA it's opc.tcp://localhost:4841

Now go to the Data Browser. Networks -> OPC UA Network -> MX_OPC_UA ( the name that You choose in last step) and double-click this server name to refresh connection.

Once You double-click the name of Your server the certicifate of Your application (Workbench) will appear in 
C:\ProgramData\MELSOFT\MX OPC Server UA\PKI\CA\rejected. Please go to this directory and and move this certificate to the C:\ProgramData\MELSOFT\MX OPC Server UA\PKI\CA\certs

Now get back to the workbench application and double-click on Your OPC UA Server name. It' will refresh and from now on You will be able to see all Your TAGs You registered by MX OPC Server UA Configuration Tool.

From now on the MX OPC Server UA is permanently registered and your SCADA can use it when server is available.