Iconics Suite - Installation of GENESIS64 Basic and Advanced in Secured and Unsecured mode

Iconics Suite - Installation of GENESIS64 Basic and Advanced in Secured and Unsecured mode

Instruction bellow will help you step by step with installation of ICONICS in unsecured mode and secured mode version 10.97.2 + Critical Rollup CFR2 
Installation of GENESIS64 Basic and Advanced will be also highlighted

Installation of GENESIS64 Basic in Unsecured Mode

Installation App

At the beginning you will have to enter link below to get your installation app


After completing your request for trial please submit and follow the next steps

Microsoft SQL database

Install  "Microsoft® SQL Server® ... Express" . It can be installed for free from official Microsoft site, for example Microsoft® SQL Server® 2019 Express

You can also install it from iconics installation file 

From MS SQL Server installation menu select: New SQL Server stand-alone installation...

SQL Server Management Studio installation 

Install SQL Management Studio (SSMS) from Microsoft Website or Iconics Suite installation file 

Unlike the secured version installation, no additional settings are required on the MSSQL 

Iconics Suite installation

Start RunMe application from Iconics Suite installation.ISO Go to Main Installation tab and click: ICONICS Suite and the installation will start

Allow your PC to install Shield Wizard

After installing go next and agree with terms

In the next step, select which modules you want to install

First two options are GENESIS ADVANCED/ BASIC is  main choice of your installation

Only one of the versions - Basic or Advanced - can be installed on single machine. They differ with amount of modules, connectors and tags licences available. In Advanced version there is  more licences included than in basic version.

Link below will help you to find the differences between GENESIS64 Basic and advanced 


In this screen user has option also to choose also additionaly licensed from top to bottom:

MobileHMI- Allows user to operate with visualizations, historical trends, and alarm notifications by using mobile devices like smartphones, tablets (License available in advanced version)

AlarmWorX MMX- Is enabling you to send and receive alarms using various multimedia agents.(License can be combined in both versions)

Quality AnalytiX- Enables operators, quality personnel, manufacturing engineers, and management to view quality SPC(statistical process control) data and other production parameters impacting product quality. (License can be combined in advanced version, non available in basic version )

Facility AnalytiX- License is giving user access to prepared projects(editable) which can be use in building automation (License can be combined in advanced version, non available in basic version )

Energy AnalytiX- Allows user to visualization, analysis of energy use (License can be combined in advanced version, non available in basic version )

Additional Options (included in GENESIS64 license)

Gen demo-  Equipped with projects, samples from Iconics, which are helpful to learn for new users, this version has most of licences and capabilities of this environment and is giving user 12hrs of free trial.

Local Help- Offline help for users, if you don’t install this option, help will automatically move you to your browser and Iconics Institute website

Language Pack- This pack contains the localization files for the following languages:-French, -German, -Italian, -Portuguese

Next steps will show installation for BASIC VERSION with  custom selection

You can change path of installation

In custom selection changes of basic installation are available to the user

In Application Servers you can find Hyper Historian option which normally is installed in full version. User should be aware that it is addtional licensed and need to purchased separately from GENESIS64,.
You can choose version included in GENESIS64 license which is "Hyper Historian Express" main difference is space for tags,
Hyper Historian has independent space for tags when Hyper Historian Express is using tags from Genesis64.

Installing GENESIS64 Basic in most cases Hyper Historian Express is used

After that you can follow next steps

In link below you can read about different for setup types

Enter your system Administrator password (for Windows account)

Then, you can create ICONICS user. It is new local user and doesn't have to be connected with Windows administrator 
In this window, choose also type of installation - secured or unsecured (normal):

After normal installation you will be able to use Workbench without logging into Iconics system (with created user - ex. above: Iconics_User)
Using Secure setup, you will have to be logged in to use workbench 

In next window select connection method to database 

Windows authentication- credentials to data base are based on windows user and log in take place same as windows user

SQL Server authentication- more secure option- logging bySQL account. To have access to system both Windows and SQL administrator need to have privilages to use scada system

When installing demo version for tests it is fine to use unsecured mode of installation and connection to database with Windows authentication

Critical Fixes Rollup

After  successful installation you can enter link below to download Rollup for your system
Periodically, Iconics releases system rollups designed to enhance system functionality.
Log on your ICONICS account and download CFR Rollup

After download, run setup.exe

Follow next steps of installation and accept term of license 

Choose if you want to install Language Package

Confirm that you want to install CFR2

And restart your computer 

Installation of GENESIS64 Advanced in Unsecured Mode 

Installation App

At the beginning you will have to enter link below to get your installation app


After completing your request for trial please submit and follow the next steps

Microsoft SQL database

Install  "Microsoft® SQL Server® ... Express" . It can be installed for free from official Microsoft site, for example Microsoft® SQL Server® 2019 Express

You can also install it from iconics installation file 

From MS SQL Server installation menu select: New SQL Server stand-alone installation...

SQL Server Management Studio installation 

Install SQL Management Studio (SSMS) from Microsoft website or Iconics Suite installation file 

Unlike the secured version installation, no additional settings are required on the MSSQL server.

Iconics Suite installation

Start RunMe application from Iconics Suite installation.ISO Go to Main Installation tab and click: ICONICS Suite and the installation will start

Allow your PC to install Shield Wizard

After installing go next and agree with terms

First two options are GENESIS ADVANCED/ BASIC is  main choice of your installation

Only one of the versions - Basic or Advanced - can be installed on single machine. They differ with amount of modules, connectors and tags licences available. In Advanced version there is  more licences included than in basic version.

Link below will help you to find the differences between GENESIS64 Basic and advanced 


In this screen user has option also to choose also additionaly licensed from top to bottom:

MobileHMI- Allows user to operate with visualizations, historical trends, and alarm notifications by using mobile devices like smartphones, tablets (License available in advanced version)

AlarmWorX MMX- Is enabling you to send and receive alarms using various multimedia agents.(License can be combined in both versions)

Quality AnalytiX- Enables operators, quality personnel, manufacturing engineers, and management to view quality SPC(statistical process control) data and other production parameters impacting product quality. (License can be combined in advanced version, non available in basic version )

Facility AnalytiX- License is giving user access to prepared projects(editable) which can be use in building automation (License can be combined in advanced version, non available in basic version )

Energy AnalytiX- Allows user to visualization, analysis of energy use (License can be combined in advanced version, non available in basic version )

Additional Options (included in GENESIS64 license)

Gen demo-  Equipped with projects, samples from Iconics, which are helpful to learn for new users, this version has most of licences and capabilities of this environment and is giving user 12hrs of free trial.

Local Help- Offline help for users, if you don’t install this option, help will automatically move you to your browser and Iconics Institute website

Language Pack- This pack contains the localization files for the following languages:-French, -German, -Italian, -Portuguese

Next steps will show installation for ADVANCED VERSION with  custom selection

You can change path of installation

In custom selection changes of basic installation are available to the user

In Application Servers you can find Hyper Historian option which normally is installed in full version. User should be aware that it is addtional licensed and need to purchased separately from GENESIS64,.
You can choose version included in GENESIS64 license which is "Hyper Historian Express" main difference is space for tags,
Hyper Historian has independent space for tags when Hyper Historian Express is using tags from Genesis64.

After that you can follow next steps

In link below you can read about different for setup types

Enter your system Administrator password (for Windows account)

Then, you can create ICONICS user. It is new local user and doesn't have to be connected with Windows administrator 
In this window, choose also type of installation - secured or unsecured (normal):

After normal installation you will be able to use Workbench without logging into Iconics system (with created user - ex. above: Iconics_User)
Using Secure setup, you will have to be logged in to use workbench 

In next window select connection method to database 

Windows authentication- credentials to data base are based on windows user and log in take place same as windows user

SQL Server authentication- more secure option- logging bySQL account. To have access to system both Windows and SQL administrator need to have privilages to use scada system

When installing demo version for tests it is fine to use unsecured mode of installation and connection to database with Windows authentication

Connect using:
Windows authentication- credentials to data base are based on windows user and log in take place same as windows user
SQL Server authentication- safer option- logging by sql account. To have access to system both Windows and SQL administrator need to have privilages to use scada system

Critical Fixes Rollup

After  successful installation you can enter link below to download Rollup for your system
Periodically, Iconics releases system rollups designed to enhance system functionality.
Log on your ICONICS account and download CFR Rollup 

After download, run setup.exe

Follow next steps of installation and accept term of license 

Choose if you want to install Language Package

Confirm that you want to install CFR2

And restart your computer 

Installation of GENESIS64 Advanced  in Secured Mode

In secured mode installation some additional settins in MSSQL and firewall are required to start the system 

Installation App

At the beginning you will have to enter link below to get your installation app


After completing your request for trial please submit and follow the next steps

IIS (Internet Information Services)

turn on the following setting "Internet Information Services"

"Web Management Tools" and "World Wide Web Services" will automatically turn on

After that click ok

Microsoft SQL database

Install  "Microsoft® SQL Server® ... Express" . It can be installed for free from official Microsoft site, for example Microsoft® SQL Server® 2019 Express

You can also install it from iconics installation file 

From MS SQL Server installation menu please click: New SQL Server stand-alone installation...

SQL Server Management Studio installation 

Install SQL Management Studio (SSMS) from Microsoft website or Iconics Suite installation file 

After installation open SSMS app and connect to server using Windows User credentials 

Now find "Properties" in your server

Set the following options:

After applying changes go to "Security">"Logins">"user" in case of this instruction "sa" change password and turn off "Enforce password policy" When enforce password policy is off your password won't expired in time and password history is cleared.

Switch to status and in Setting and Login turn same as below


Data Base Configuration

In Computer Management go to "Services and Applications"> "SQL Server...">"SQL Server Services" and make sure that SQL Server and SQL Server Browser are running in Automatic mode,
if they are not running, start the services 

Now make sure that in "SQL Native Client 11.0 Configuration(32bit)">"Client Protocols">"TCP/IP" is enabled and in properties default port is 1433

Switch to "SQL Native Client 11.0 Configuration"> "Protocols for SQLEXPRESS"> and again make sure that TCP/IP is Enabled if not you can change it in properties 

Then in "IP Addresses" find "IPAII" and check if TCP PORT is on 1433 too.

Switch to "SQL Native Client 11.0 Configuration">"Client Protocols" and again TCP/IP must be enabled with default port of 1433

After saving all changes go back to "SQL Server Services" and restart SQL Server

Windows Firewall rules for ports

Open advanced firewall settings 

add new rule in "Inbound rule"


Choose rule type and "Port"

Select types of network for this connection

In next step allow the connection and apply all rules

add another inbound rules just like one before but for PORT 1433 TCP

Iconics Suite installation

Please start RunMe application from Iconics Suite installation.ISO Go to Main Installation tab and click: ICONICS Suite and the installation will start

Allow your PC to install Shield Wizard

After installing go next and agree with terms

First two options are GENESIS ADVANCED/ BASIC is  main choice of your installation

Only one of the versions - Basic or Advanced - can be installed on single machine. They differ with amount of modules, connectors and tags licences available. In Advanced version there is  more licences included than in basic version.

Link below will help you to find the differences between GENESIS64 Basic and advanced 


In this screen user has option also to choose also additionaly licensed from top to bottom:

MobileHMI- Allows user to operate with visualizations, historical trends, and alarm notifications by using mobile devices like smartphones, tablets (License available in advanced version)

AlarmWorX MMX- Is enabling you to send and receive alarms using various multimedia agents.(License can be combined in both versions)

Quality AnalytiX- Enables operators, quality personnel, manufacturing engineers, and management to view quality SPC(statistical process control) data and other production parameters impacting product quality. (License can be combined in advanced version, non available in basic version )

Facility AnalytiX- License is giving user access to prepared projects(editable) which can be use in building automation (License can be combined in advanced version, non available in basic version )

Energy AnalytiX- Allows user to visualization, analysis of energy use (License can be combined in advanced version, non available in basic version )

Additional Options (included in GENESIS64 license)

Gen demo-  Equipped with projects, samples from Iconics, which are helpful to learn for new users, this version has most of licences and capabilities of this environment and is giving user 12hrs of free trial.

Local Help- Offline help for users, if you don’t install this option, help will automatically move you to your browser and Iconics Institute website

Language Pack- This pack contains the localization files for the following languages:-French, -German, -Italian, -Portuguese

Next steps will show installation for ADVANCED VERSION with  custom selection

You can change path of installation

In custom selection changes of basic installation are available to the user

In Application Servers you can find Hyper Historian option which normally is installed in full version. User should be aware that it is addtional licensed and need to purchased separately from GENESIS64,.
You can choose version included in GENESIS64 license which is "Hyper Historian Express" main difference is space for tags,
Hyper Historian has independent space for tags when Hyper Historian Express is using tags from Genesis64.

After that you can follow next steps

In link below you can read about different for setup types

Enter your system Administrator password (for Windows account)

Connect using:

Windows authentication- credentials to data base are based on windows user and log in take place same as windows user

SQL Server authentication- safer option- logging by sql account. To have access to system both Windows and SQL administrator need to have privilages to use scada system

Critical Fixes Rollup

After  successful installation you can enter link below to download Rollup for your system
Periodically, Iconics releases system rollups designed to enhance system functionality.
Log on your ICONICS account and download CRF Rollup

After download, run setup.exe

Follow next steps of installation and accept term of license 

Choose if you want to install Language Package

Confirm that you want to install CFR2

And restart your computer 

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