ME96 and MAPS connected by Modbus TCP_IP

ME96 and MAPS connected by Modbus TCP_IP

This document shows how to connect electronic multi-measuring instrument ME96-MB to MAPS SCADA via Modbus TCP/IP

Configuring Local Network Parameters

Set static address IP on local network

MAPS Config Editor 

Install new driver

First install new driver in MAPS Config Editor. 
Run MAPS Config Editor -> Configuration-> Agent Server ->Driver Configuration

If new open window is empty, choose path to folder with drivers by clicking button […] 

Default path to folder with drivers is folder where MAPS is instelled:
C:\Program Files(x86)\Adroit Technologies\Adroit\Drivers


After that choose Modbus Ethernet Driver

Add new device

After install driver, add new device under this protocol driver.
Right click on Modbus Ethernet Driver and Add device
Enter the device name:

Configure new device

After add new device, configure it. 
In basic options set the PLC Details as below: 

After that click Advanced and set advanced parameters. 
Most important parameter is disable “Address 255 Padding Required”. Default this parameter is ON. 

MAPS Designer

Add new agent 

Add new Analog Agent in Open Configurator and Scan it.

Always add 400001 to address!!!

For example when read address 768 in Agent set address as 400769.


Open DATASCOPE and see sending and reading frame 
Check value in Analog Agent
1DB in hex = 475 in dec so value is correctly!

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