Motion module FX5-SSC-G with MR-J5-G or MR-JET-G - System startup

Motion module FX5-SSC-G with MR-J5-G or MR-JET-G - System startup

This article describes how to startup motion system base on FX5-SSC-G module. Article base on MR-J5-G but in the same way MR-JET-G can be used.

PLC configuration

Creating new project

Startup GX Works3 and create new project. Select the model of the PLC CPU being used and a program language to be used in the PLC CPU on the window below. After completing the selection click the OK button. 

Module configuration 

Open Module Configuration from the project tree. Create configuration of your PLC by dragging and dropping modules form Element Selection window. 

It is possible to read module configuration form PLC by menu Online >> Read Module Configuration from PLC. 

When configuration is ready Fix Parameters by clicking  or by closing Module Configuration window.

Network configuration. 

To create network configuration go to Module Parameters (Network) >> Network Configuration Settings >> Detailed Setting

In CC-Link IE TSN Configuration window create configuration by adding devices from Module List to the network configuration.  In column Motion Control Station check stations (servo axes) that will be used as a Axes in Simple Motion module. The devices not set as Motion Control Station will be used as standard network device. It is necessary to assign them RX, RY, RWr and RWw base on specification of those devices. 

Each device is identified by the IP Address. Network part (first three octets) of IP address is set by the servo parameter NPA02. Last octet of IP Address can be set by rotary switches in front of the amplifier or by parameter NPA02 (more details in Servo parametr setting section). IP Address setting in CC-Link IE TSN Configuration window has to match to addresses set on amplifiers. Leave the rest of the settings at their defaults.

When configuration is ready close this window with saving the settings.

Axes definition

It's necessary to define axes in Simple Motion module and assign servo drives as a network devices to the appropriate axis. To define axes go to Simple Motion Module Settings of FX5-_0SSC-G odule. In Simple Motion Module Setting Function assign IP Addresses of the servo amplifiers to the axes in parametr Pr.141.

When configuration described above is finished convert project in GX Works3 and download it to PLC.

When writing project to the PLC for the first time download only PLC Parameter (without FX5-_0SSC-G parameters), make PLC restart and then download to the PLC parameters of FX5-_0SSC-G module. PLC needs this sequence to access correctly internal module memory.
After restarting whole system communication with all devices should startup. It can be confirmed by r01, r02,.. on servo amplifiers.

Servo parameter setting

To set parameters of servo drives we need to use MR Configurator2. It can be used as independent software or through GX Works3. In first case single axis connection through USB cable and multi-axis connection through the network is possible. Using MR Configurator2 as a separate software allows to set parameters directly in servo amplifiers, use all monitoring and diagnostic functions. Project is saved as a separate file. 
in second option, when MR Configurator2 is used through GX Works3, it is possible just to set servo parameters. It's not possible to use monitoring and diagnostic functions, but in this case all servo parameters are stored in GX Works3 project. It is also possible to force PLC to automatically write servo parameters to the drives during system startup. 

IP Address setting

Even before system startup it is necessary to set IP Address of each devices in CC-Link IE TSN network. In case of servo amplifier you can set it in Network Parameter. First three octets (by default 192.168.3.) are defined by parametr NPA02. NPA01 defines if fourth octet of IP Address is also set by parameter NPA02 or by the rotary switch. In most cases addressing by rotary switch is used, because it allows easily set and check IP Address setting.

Setting parameters through GX Works3

Go to the Module parameters (Network) of FX5-_0SSC-G module and open Network Configuration Setting. In CC-Link IE TSN Configuration window go to Parameter Automatic Setting column and double click Detail Setting for one of axes. MR Configurator2 will open.  Settings done in MR Configurator2 can be written to the amplifiers directly or you can close MR Configurator2 with saving settings, then check tick in Parameter Automatic Setting column. It will cause that servo parameters will be written to the amplifier automatically during system startup. 

Motion module requires specific setting  for some parametr (details in Required parameter setting section). When using Parameter Automatic Setting function make sure to set required parameters correctly. Otherwise may start with general error. 

Setting parameter directly through MR Configurator2

Open MR Configurator2 and create new project. Switch to Multi-axis project and define connection with amplifiers. It is possible to communicate directly with amplifiers through CC-Link IE TSN or communicate through PLC using USB or Ethernet connection. In case of Ethernet connection via FX5U PLC settings should be as follows

Required parameter setting

During startup of the system with Motion Module FX5-_0SSC-G module forces values in part of the amplifier parameters like electronic gear, Sensor input method,... Those parameters can't be modified, otherwise it will cause module error. Despite of parameters forced by module you may need to set few additional parameters required by application like Forced stop disable, Absolute positioning mode, homing method and parameters,...


The FX5-_0SSC-G module in Simple Motion mode can be programmed as standard Simple Motion module that base on SSCNET III/H or CC-Link IE Field. It is possible to use built in module labels, built in function blocks or PLCopen libraries. 

You may find lot of articles describing programming of the Simple Motion modules

Differences between FX5-_0SSC-G module and FX5-_0SSC_S module


In system based on CC-Link IE TSN homing is executed by servo drive. Method and parameters regarding homing needs to be set in servo parameter not in simple motion module parameter. Starting of the homing looks exactly the same like in standard simple motion module. 

Mark detection

Motion module doesn't have inputs onboard it uses inputs of the amplifier as a mark detection input. It can be input TPR1 of servo amplifier or DOG input. In case of DOG input sampling time is limited by the scan of the module. In case of TPR1 input sampling time is equal 1us. From programming point of view function works almost the same like in Simple Motion module.

Synchronous encoder

FX5-_0SSC-G module doesn't have encoder input to connect external encoder. Encoder via servo amplifier have to be use.