This article briefly describes how to parameterize FX5-OPC server modul The article covers how to set up communication with UaExpert software Client an Unsecured and secured way.
System Layout
Unsecured communication for Testing ( No server and client side certification and security policies )
Physically attach the modul to the FX5U- main modul. Ground it.
Parameter settings
There are 2 options to do the parameter setup. You can do it in GX Works 3 or in OPC UA Module Configuration Tool ( This software could be download from global Mitsubishi website free of charge). But only in GX Works 3 you can edit Address space parameters (Tags). If you use both of the softwares for set up OPC UA Module Configuration Tool has the priority.
Parameter setting with GX Works 3
1. Cretae a new project, and Choose FX5 PLC
2. Add FX5-OPC modul to the hardware list / module configuration
a. Element list select FX5-OPC
b. Drag&Drop the modul next to the Fx5 main modul
c. Right-click-> Parameter-> Fix
d. GX Works 3 upper Tool menĂ¼ select -> Check parameters
3. Create programs and labels
4. FX5-OPC Module Parameter
- Mode settings- > Operation Mode : Online (Default settings)
- Basic setting-> Network settings: IP Adrress ( and Sub net Mask ( necessary (default settings)
- Application setting -> Unsecure Connection: Enable
- Click on the Apply button (right corner)
5. Address Space Parameters
Here you can add which labels (Global and Local) you would like to share via OPC. You can set access right Read/Write and Refresh time of the labels.
6. Compile and Download our project. Reset PLC
Testing Connect with UaExpert OPC client software.
This is a free of charge software. After registration of the webpage we have access to download and use the software for testing purpose.
1. Add new server
Endpoint url: opc.tcp://(IP address):(port number)
Example: opc.tcp://
2. Connect to the server
Right -click on the server and connect
Connection established as Log view mentioned and in the Address space we can see new elements in the Root folder.
3. Add Tags to the data access view
- Select Variables from the GlobalVars folder and drag&drop them to the View window.
- On the Value column with double click we can select and modify tag values.
Secured Connection
Parameter Setting in GX Works3
1. From GX works3 double click Security Parameters. OPC UA Module Configuration Tool will appeara. Take off the thick from the Enable Unsecure Connection. (Default it is Secured)
2. Generate Self-sign certificate
3.Fill out the neccesary fields, and follow the software instructions. (OPC server will restart)
4. Write modifications to the modul.
Client side Connection
Client Certification must be generated with UaExpert software.
Create a new certificate, fill out the necessary field.
New Server and client certification add to the trusted certificates
1. Add a new Server
2.Connect, Trust server side-certificate and continue
3. OPC UA Module Config tool we need to add the rejected certificates to the trusted list.
4. Checked the trusted certificates and Write it on the module. (OPC server will restart)
Connect with the Client to the server and test