Real Time Monitor Function guide

Real Time Monitor Function guide

This document describes Real Time Monitor function

1. Opening method

There are two methods to start the Realtime Monitor Function.

1.1. Realtime Monitor Function from GX Works Tool menu

To start monitoring of PLC controller open Tool->Real Time Monitor Function from menu bar:

1.2 GX Log Viewer

Choose connection target (CPU, simulator or logging module) and click Show Current Device/Label status:

Specify simulator system number/CPU

1.3. Connection destination change

Connection options are also available in Online->Realtime Monitor:

2. Monitoring data

2.1 Realtime Monitor Setting

To choose devices for monitoring go to the Realtime Monitor Settings. When the Realtime Monitor is started from GX Works, the setting windows start automatically.

In Monitor Target Setting you can set devices from CPU memory or buffer memory. It's possible to write and read configuration files.

In case of RCPU, you can also read labels. Click Read GXWorks3 Project, choose project file (Read GX Works3 Project) and select Specify Label option:

2.2. Monitor Condition Setting

In Monitor Condition Settings you can set Timing type (default is Each scan) and trigger type:

3. Graph operation

3.1 Navigation

There are some useful navigation switches:

1. Start/ stop monitoring
2. Graph alignment and superimpose
3. Multiple cursor - useful for time measurement
4. Graph autoscale
5. Cursor value

3.2 Graph size options

Scaling graph

Moving graph

Time scale setting

Specifying the upper/lower bounds

-Manually by clicking on the bounds value:

- Graph operation -> Change Upper/Lower bound/Y Axis Scale in Batch: 

3.3 Save and read graph data

Use File->Save As option to save graph (as Unicode Text File or Image file). To read graph use Open Option:

3.4 Save and read the graphical display settings

The graphical settings (scaling, bounds) are not saving automatically with the logging file. To save the graphical settings use Graph View ->  Register Graphical Display Settings...
To read the graphical display setiings use Operate Graphical Display Settings option:

3.5 Import/Export graphical display settings

Open File->Import and Export. Chose import/Export Graphical Display Settings and specify file. It's impossible to export particular grapical display settings.

3.6 Time and difference measurement example

Set the Multiple Cursor option and move both blue and red cursor:


Expand the time scale and set the cursors precisely:
right mouse button-> Move Red/Blue Cursor Here:

Read the difference value (Difference (Blue->Red) or time (Span (Blue->Red).