Robot palletization sample program

Robot palletization sample program

Sample program for palletization on the RV-7FLL robot.
It can also be used for other robots.
"Copyright © Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.


These Function Blocks are demo versions that are only  intended to demonstrate program functions and provide general orientation for  your software choices. They are not suitable for use in real applications! "

"Improper use of demo versions in applications can lead to serious malfunctions  and damage! Programs for real applications must always be configured for the  individual application by trained staff and tested thoroughly before being  used.

Mitsubishi Electric cannot assume any liability if these examples are used in real applications."

1 Program description

The program is designed to calculate cycle times for most palletizing applications on a robot. In particular, it is addressed to the Euro-pallet palletization application on the RV-7FLL robot. The definition of the program consists in setting one point of the pallet and picking and packaging parameters.

2 Description of variables

Input parameters:

Box width [mm]
Box depth [mm]
Box height [mm]
Pallet width [mm]
Pallet depth [mm]
The number od layers
Approach offset
Time for robot positioning [s]
Time to pick up the box [s]

Positions to teach:
Pal0 – pallet corner
Ppick – picking position 

3 Program example

  1. '(1) Pal0 - Teach point - pallet corner
  2. '(2) Ppick - Teach Point - picking position
  3. '************** pallet setting ********************
  4. MBoxWidth=292
  5. MBoxDeep=161
  6. MBoxHigh=166
  7. MPalletWidth=1200
  8. MPalletDeep=805
  9. MBoxNumX=MPalletWidth\MBoxWidth
  10. MBoxNumY=MPalletDeep\MBoxDeep
  11. MLayNum=6
  12. MOffsetZ=50
  13. MTimePos=0.05
  14. MTimeGrip=0.2
  15. '************* pallet calculation **********************
  16. MHGrip=-MOffsetZ       'wysokosc najazdu bez produktu
  17. MHPut=-MBoxHigh-MOffsetZ       'wysokosc najazdu z produktem
  18. MBoxNum=MBoxNumX*MBoxNumY
  19. PalA=Pal0
  20. PalB=Pal0
  21. PalD=Pal0
  22. PalA.X=Pal0.X+(MBoxNumX-1)*MBoxWidth
  23. PalB.Y=Pal0.Y+(MBoxNumY-1)*MBoxDeep
  24. PalD.X=Pal0.X+(MBoxNumX-1)*MBoxWidth
  25. PalD.Y=Pal0.Y+(MBoxNumY-1)*MBoxDeep
  26. def plt 1, Pal0,PalA,PalB,PalD,MBoxNumX,MBoxNumY,1
  27. loadset 1,1
  28. mvtune 2
  29. tool 1
  30. MCount=0
  31. cnt 1
  32. for mLayer=1 to MLayNum
  33. for mprod=1 to MBoxNum
  34. mov ppick,MHGrip
  35. mvs ppick
  36. dly MTimePos
  37. hclose 1
  38. dly MTimeGrip
  39. mvs ppick,MHPut
  40. ppal=plt 1, mprod
  41. ppal.Z=Pal0.Z+(mLayer-1)*MBoxHigh
  42. mov ppal,MHPut
  43. mvs ppal
  44. dly MTimePos
  45. hopen 1
  46. dly MTimeGrip
  47. mvs ppal,MHGrip
  48. MCount=MCount+1           'licznik cykli
  49. next mprod
  50. Next MLayer
  51. cnt 0
  52. end


File name
Projekt RT Toolbox