i_wPositiveTorqueLimit - general positive torque limit active in position, velocity and torque mode in 0.1% of nominal motor torque
i_wNegativeTorqueLimit - general positive torque limit active in position, velocity and torque mode in 0.1% of nominal motor torque
i_dAccelerationTime - time in [ms] required for the servo motor to reach the rated speed.
i_dDecelerationTime - time in [ms] required for the servo motor to decelerate from the rated speed to zero.
i_dJogSpeed - target velocity in speed control mode / jog mode in 0.01rpm
i_bJogFwd - stars rotating forward with i_dJogSpeed
i_bJogRev - stars rotating revers with i_dJogSpeed
i_bStartHPR - starts homing base on parameters set in servo drive
i_dTargetPosition - target position used under positioning control
i_dPositioningSpeed - positioning speed in 0.01rpm
i_bStartAbsPositioning - starts absolute positioning
i_bStartIncPositioning - starts incremental positioning
i_bEnableTorqueMode - enables torque control mode
i_wTargetTorque - target torque in torque control mode in 0.1% of nominal motor torque
i_dVelocityLimitValue - speed limit value in torque control mode in 0.01rpm
i_dTorqueSlope - torque slope in torque control mode in 0.1%/s
o_bCommunicationReady - proper communication with drive
o_bServoReady - servo is ready to operate
o_bAxisError - servo error, start not possible
o_bHPRRequest - homing request, positioning not possible without homing
o_bHPRComplete - homing just completes without error
o_bHPRError - homing not completed properly
o_bPositioningComplete - positioning completed and servo in position defined by position window (Obj.6067h and Obj.6068h)
o_bInTorqueMode - servo works in torque control mode
o_dCurrentPosition - current, real position of the servo motor in positioning units
o_dCurrentSpeed - current motor speed in 0.01rpm
o_dDropPulses - deviation between the setpoint position and the current drive position
o_wCurrentTorque - actual motor torque in 0.1% of nominal motor torque
o_uServoAlarmCode - servo error code
o_bAbsolutePositionErased - absolute position lost
o_bStatusDI1_LSP - status of input DI1, by default hardware limit switch positive
o_bStatusDI2_LSN - status of input DI2, by default hardware limit switch negative
o_bStatusDI3_DOG - status of input DI3, by default homing sensor
o_bStatusEM2 - status of forced stop input