For more information on the homing procedure check:
While working on the simulation, we set the [Data Set Method], which takes the current reading from the encoder as the base position. Since it does not move the mechanism, it is also necessary to set the encoder zero point zero crossing (Z-phase signal) as shown below.
Below is how to use one of the basic function blocks to carry out the homing procedure. Pay attention to the parameter "9001" for the i_uStartNo input. It is a number reserved for the homing procedure.
There are several homing methods. These are:
Data Set Method, Count Method 1 and 2, proximity Dog Method and Scale Home Position Signal Method.
Proximity DOG Sensor and Count Methods rely on driving a precisely measured distance from the moment of recording the signal from the sensor.
The Data Set Method takes the current position as the base.
Scale Home Position Signal returns the servo position to the last position with the Z-phase signal.
You will find a detailed description of the methods here: (page 447).
Predefined servo motions can be performed with the "StartPositioning" block. For this purpose, on the i_uStartNo input, enter the number of the item from the table, the creation of which is shown below.
Creating a position table can be done from "Simple Motion Module Setting Function", [Positioning Data] → [Axis #n Positioning Data] tab.
Note that with the table above, calling position 1 will result in an incremental move (Control Method setting) that adds the given value to the current position. In contrast, position 2 is an absolute move, which means moving to a given position in relation to the base point.
The position data in the table can be dynamically modified while the system is running. To do this, refer to the buffer memory address. These addresses can be found from "Simple Motion Module Setting Function" in [Help] → [Buffer memory address list…]. This opens an Excel file. We search for the Positioning data area tab and complete the axis and position number.